Saturday, January 26, 2008

Just Giving a Ride

Last Monday, I was on my way to Lowe’s to buy a snow shovel. I saw this lady using a crutch hobbling through the snow; that is, 5 inches of show and it was still snowing! I turned around and picked her up. She was traveling about 1 mile to a physical therapy appointment. She was hit by a car 2 years ago and is still feeling the effects from the accident.

Wow! After dropping her off, it made me grateful for what I have. It seemed to reduce the size of my shortcomings and weaknesses and made me grateful for all that I have.

“…[S]ervice helps us generate love and appreciation. We come to know people by serving them—their circumstances, their challenges, their hopes and aspirations.”

It was really easy for me to give her a ride. It was impossible for her to give herself a ride.


Cameron said...

That is a cool story. Glad you could help her.

Elise said...

I have a good news story:
Last Wednesday I was driving home and got stuck in an icy, snowy gutter. There were four people that stopped to help me and get my car out! Hurrah for nice people!