Thursday, July 8, 2010

You Got 2, Why Not Share?

I went to lunch with a few sales associates and learned about one of them, Ellis. He donated his kidney to his dad. They were a near perfect blood match. When the blood isn't a perfect match the probability of the body taking the organ is lower. The fathers new kidney will extend his life about 10 years. Before the transplant, Ellis's father wasn't very healthy. Even with dialysis, he didn't have much energy and his skin had a yellow color. Immediately after the transplant, he felt like a new man. It took a few months for Ellis to recover. His gift of life won't slow him down. His mom taught him well. Share.


Ammon said...

wow, i've always wondered if i'd donate a body part and go through the tough recovery for someone else. I guess we'll see if i ever have to. I'm glad to see a new post. i check often.

Cameron said...


carrie @ the boonie life said...

What a great guy. That really is amazing and a great act of love. Thanks for sharing.