Sunday, October 18, 2009

Good News = Gospel

When was the last time I shared with someone how I felt about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I went HT with Dave McMullin this morning. We visited Katie and she shared with us some of her banana muffins (one of the few things she cooks). She has recently stopped coming to church. After my roommate Dave shared his lesson, I jumped in and bore my testimony of Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith. It was short and sweet and I felt happy for doing so. Sharing feelings isn't the easiest thing to do in the world. It's just a small sacrifice that we can make to help others feel the spirit and learn of the gospel.

Elder M. Russell Ballard said, "True conversion comes through the power of the Spirit. When the Spirit touches the heart, hearts are changed. When individuals, both members and investigators, feel the Spirit working with them, or when they see the evidence of the Lord’s love and mercy in their lives, they are edified and strengthened spiritually and their faith in Him increases. These experiences with the Spirit follow naturally when a person is willing to experiment upon the word. This is how we come to feel the gospel is true."

Jesus Christ made the biggest sacrifice for us. It is wonderful to think that he can succor us because He knows us and He has taken upon Him all of our infirmities and sins. He knows best. His promptings give superb direction. The gospel is the best news in the world!


carrie @ the boonie life said...

The Lord is always blessing us. I feel it DAILY! I need to share that with more people so that they can feel loved and blessed, too. Thanks for the reminder!

Jamon said...

Amen to everything said.