Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is Chivalry Dead!?

I was at a party, playing games around the table and one of the girls didn't have a chair. None of the guys noticed or at least did anything. Then a girl chimed in and said, "Is chivalry dead?" I felt bad I didn't notice her. After that night, I've been watching others and the way they are to women.

What is Chivalry? -The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. A knight is a gentleman.

I was at SRP paying a bill for work when a lady came in and there weren't any chairs easily available. I gave her my chair and nearly everyone noticed. There were 2 ladies and 1 kid taking up 7 chairs and after they saw what I did, they moved over opening a few seats.

'There are some men who, in a spirit of arrogance, think they are superior to women. They do not seem to realize that they would not exist but for the mother who gave them birth. When they assert their superiority they demean her. It has been said, “Man can not degrade woman without himself falling into degradation; he can not elevate her without at the same time elevating himself" (Alexander Walker, in Elbert Hubbard’s Scrap Book [1923], 204).' Gordon B Hinckley Ensign, 2004 The Women of Our Lives

If you want to know how to be a better gentlemen, ask your mother.

Chivalry isn't dead!


carrie @ the boonie life said...

Tyson! You are so awesome! Not only are you awesome for giving your chair to those ladies, but for doing this post, for giving a link to an excellent talk by our prophet, for making a stand for chivalry and gallantry. We would go so far in the world, as a society, if all the men were chivalrous and all the women were true ladies and let the men be gentlemen. Chivalry is not dead. I know many chivalrous men.

Keri said...

Thank you for this wonderful post. its nice to know there are still good men out there that will treat us ladies with respect and love that we deserve. I left a comment on carries page about my feelings. thanks for your sweet reminder of how we all need to step it up a bit and keep this characteristic from going instinct.


Jamon said...

Those are some good things to think about. I think the underlying issue is the skewed idea of political correctness in the world. Unfortunately, there is a very load minority in today's society that says women don't want to be treated differently than men in any way whatsoever. They would propose it is demeaning to women to hold a door open for them, that they underlying theory behind the chivalrous code was men are superior to women. Tyson, thanks for reminding us how false that is. To treat women better than men is to put women on a pedestal, not the other way around.